Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Unutterable Love of Jesus Christ

All scripture references, unless otherwise noted, are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
I just can't help it. Iv'e got to tell of my conversion again. I was only 23 years of age when I found the Lord Jesus (or He came into my life for real). I guess I believed in the Lord Jesus from some of my earliest recollections.. As Iv'e mentioned in other postings I was about 5 years old when as a natural heavenly phenomena was happening my maternal grandmother said to me that it was a sign in the heavens that Jesus was coming back for His people. What she said greatly comforted my childish heart. Although I believed from that day on, yet He was a God who was afar off through out my growing up years because we were not either sent nor taken to church. As a result I grew up more or less a heathen. I believed in God yes, but like most people I did my own thing. When I became an adult I did what many adults do (many of which I am ashamed to talk about). Then at age 23, Jesus came.That week started on a Sunday in which a friend and I went to the motorcycle races and between the two of us drank a half case of beer, It wasn't enough to get drunk on but enough to make us high.

When I was 17 years old I quit school and after bumming around for a few months, joined the Army. I thought I knew enough to get by and make my own way in life. I was soon to learn that I didn't know everything. It took me about 18 months in the army to come to the realization of that fact. At 18 I finally said to myself  that while I wasn't going to join the crowd I would at least try to get along with them. I began to do the things I would later on become ashamed of. I was brought up to always be a gentleman. To always walk on the outside of the sidewalk if I was with a woman, (usually my mother). To always open a door for ladies and to never use bad language around women, etc. I swore but never in the presence of women. I thought I knew how to swear but in the army I really learned how to curse and swear. It was in the army that the bad language was so ubiquitous that soon I was using that language all the time. It got so bad that that once, in front of a friends mom (whom I considered a religious person) I let slip the F word. Once, even in front of my own mother that word slipped out.  I of course felt ashamed and hoped that they did not notice for there was no reprimand. I tried to stop using swear words but they were so ingrained in me that I could not even think a thought without them cluttering up my speech.

I even tried to give my heart to God several times. Once when I had driven all day after an all night party I found myself driving in the right lane (or slow lane) up to Tejon Pass in 1964. I was doing about 75 or 80 mph but was dreaming, asleep at the wheel. A semi was going very slowly with his lights blinking on and off, also in the extreme right lane. Just in time I realized I was going to run into the back of him and swerved around him. That woke me up. I decided to stop at the next truck-stop and get a cup of coffee. It was just after midnight and the restaurant was empty except for one man sitting at the counter. The waitress offered me to sit at any table I chose. I sat down away from the counter and pretty soon the fellow that had been sitting at the counter came over and asked if he could join me. I didn't care where he sat and said to him that he could sit there if he wanted. I thought it strange that the restaurant being quite large he would have made his way over to where I was sitting.

We talked for a bit and pretty soon he asked me if I knew the Lord Jesus. I didn't and told him so. He then proceeded to witness to me about my need of the Lord. I was convicted and convinced of my need of Jesus in my life. As I recall, he gave me some literature (probably tracts), told me he was a Nazarene pastor in a nearby community and invited me to his church. I'm sure that I gave him a positive response and went on my way rejoicing. I was still pretty tired and when I got into the outskirts of Las Angeles I found an all night service station, laid down across my front seat and promptly went to sleep. I woke up about 11:30 AM cursing and swearing because of the heat in the car. Then I remembered the night before the experience that I had. I concluded that God was a holy God and as He dwelt in a holy heaven He wouldn't want an unholy sinner as I was in heaven. I didn't understand anything about God.  I went back home in the Spring of 1965 and resumed my lifestyle. It was in June of that year that I began to understand God and His ways.

On a Monday in June of 1965 I was sitting in my mothers kitchen eating breakfast, smoking a cigarette and reading the Readers Digest. I was reading about a woman named Jeane Dixon who professed to be a prophetess of future events, (in other words a fortune teller). I wasn't interested in that sort of thing, I was just reading to pass the time away. It was then that I became aware of the Lord's presence in the room. I can't remember all that He said to me, but He told me that what I was reading was somewhat the way it would be but "she is not of Me." He proceeded to tell me that the life I was living was leading me to death and that I had a choice to make. Then in the tones of the most unutterable love I have ever felt, the Lord Jesus said to me, "make Me your choice, I am the only reasonable choice you have." .I knew I could not live for Him because I didn't think I could,  so I said that day, "Lord Jesus if you will help me I will serve you from this day to the day I die" Immediately all the profanity and vulgarity was gone. God had replaced the things I thought I  could not live without with a new desire, the desire to live for Him. He had truly transformed my life. He took all the things that had so plagued me, particularly my speech patterns and replaced them with a lifestyle and speech patterns that were acceptable to Him. And he said to me, "read My word and start in Matthew." I then went into the living room and told my mother and my stepfather what had just happened. Then I went to my bedroom, found my Bible which I had never read and started in Matthew.  I have by in large continued from that day to this, with Jesus' help to live for and serve the Lord Jesus. That has been about 55 years.  

Friend I have found the Lord Jesus to be the best Friend I have ever had. He has saved my soul from the certain death He warned me of. He has supplied all my needs over the years and will continue to be the source of my happiness. If you have never heard His voice saying, "make Me your choice, I am the only reasonable choice you have." you can.The Bible says in Acts 10:34-35 that He is no respecter of persons. He will save you and give to you immeasurable joy and the unutterable love of Jesus Christ like you have never known. Make the Lord Jesus your choice today. You will never be sorry!

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