Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Son's Tribute to His Father

Sunday June 19th, 2011 was Father's Day.  When my wife and I got to church, my 44 year old son David gave me a Father's Day card which he had made.  When I read it, and I was touched by its sentiment.  I thanked him for the card and told him I appreciated it although I did not feel worthy of what he wrote.  I asked if it was alright to post it on my blog,  he said yes so here it is:
For My Dad
On Father's Day

Dad, you've always been there for me,
With helpful advice, and loving arms,
You've never wavered in the Truth
you taught me,
Steady as a rock you have been to me,
You showed the pattern that Jesus taught,
By living your life for Him,
I haven't always followed after,
But I have always been able to see the light in you,
And been able to get back on the pathway,
I appreciate your steadiness I have seen,
As the scripture says in Psalms 37:23
"The steps of a good man
are ordered by the Lord:
and he delighteth in his way."
You have shown me what that scripture means,
I liked what I saw in Bro. Muncy,
His faithfulness to God in his life,
But what I see close to home
is the same spirit,
My own dad, living for Jesus,
and never faltering, never wavering,
never turning back,
always looking to the end of your faith,
As was first in my grandmother Lois,
(as it was for Timothy),
I have seen first hand
the way things should be,
Dad, you have given more of yourself,
To me, and to my family,
than I will ever be able to repay,
You have forgiven debts,
you have taken us into your home
when we needed a place to stay,
always generous, giving of your time,
Giving liberally to the church
even after you resigned,
I am truly blessed to call you mine,
I am thankful you are my dad,
You are what Father's Day is all about,
The spirit of our Heavenly Father
emanates from you,
I want to be like that, to be like my dad,
So that when my children are older,
And my life is closer to being done,
They will be able to see,
What I have seen in my dad,
in me,

Happy Father's Day, dad
I love you,

Without going into details, I must admit that I could never say those things about my own father, but I am glad and thank the Lord Jesus that the cycle is broken. There is an old chorus we used to sing,                   
"We're a happy people yes we are, 
We're a happy people yes we are,
All day long we sing this song,
Jesus rights our every wrong,
We're a happy people yes we are!"  
If you have come from a broken or dysfunctional home, let me encourage you to call upon the Lord Jesus today. The Lord will turn your night into day and make your every wrong come out right.  Don't hesitate, do it today.

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