Friday, March 12, 2021

Let's Talk About Jesus

All scripture references, unless otherwise noted, are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
The Hebrew and Greek meaning of the words mentioned are from Strong's Hebrew Greek Dictionary.

I awoke the other night with the chorus going through my mind, "let's talk about Jesus." For those who have never heard or sung it, it goes as follows,     

     Let's talk about Jesus, the King of kings is He,
     The Lord of lords Supreme throughout eternity,
     The great I Am the Way, the Truth the Life the Door,
     Let's talk about Jesus more and more.

Maybe the preacher was right, anyone who wants to only talk about Jesus is considered weird by the world but that's ok. I still only want to talk about Jesus. Oh I know I am a little hesitant. Especially around those who are strangers. But just give me an opening. I love to talk about Him. We use to sing that chorus in church quite regularly. That's one reason I love to go to church! 

Friend, I would be remiss if I didn't ask you, have you repented of your sins? Have you been baptized in Jesus name?  If not, why not? If not, why not do so today? Turn from your sins to God, find someone who will baptize you in Jesus name and let God fill you with His Spirit. I promise you that you will be eternally grateful. The Lord Jesus will return for His Church and I want you to be ready!
(See John 3:1-8, Acts 2:38Acts 4:12, and finally Acts 2:1-4)


  1. It would be very hard not to talk about Jesus, especially in these troubled times. I am sure you would agree. God bless.

    1. perhaps we have come to the Kingdom for just such a time as this!
