All scripture references, unless otherwise noted, are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
The Hebrew and Greek meaning of the words mentioned are from Strong's Hebrew Greek Dictionary.
I love the chorus, "Heaven came down and glory filled my soul..." It goes as follows,
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul,
When at the Cross the Saviour made me whole,
My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day,
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul.
That's all I know by heart, it's a beautiful song! I want to tell you again of my conversion. It was a Monday morning. I was sitting in my mother's kitchen alone. I was eating breakfast and smoking a cigarette. I was reading a Reader's Digest article about a woman named Jeane Dixon who professed herself to be a prophetess. I wasn't interested in that sort of thing, I was just reading to pass the time away. I had been to the motorcycle races the day before and with a friend drank a half case of beer. Suddenly, as I finished the article, a voice was heard in my mind. The voice called me by my name Then the voice said, "what you are reading is somewhat the way it will be, but she is not of Me." He then told me that the life I was leading was leading me to death. Then He said, "you have a choice to make, Make Me your choice, I am the only reasonable choice you have." These words were spoken in only what I can describe as unutterable tones of love. I immediately recognized the voice as that of the Lord Jesus. I turned to the direction He was standing in the room, (I didn't see Him but I knew He was there) and said, "Lord Jesus, if You will help me I will serve You from this day until the day I die." For without His help I knew I could not serve Him. Immediately He made everything new in my life. I can say with that chorus, my night was turned to day. All things became new. I had a new desire in my heart to serve the Lord Jesus. I have thought a lot recently about that day. I cannot describe to you the sense of what I felt that day. It was truly a touch from Heaven. The year was 1965, in the month of June. That's going on 56 rears ago. I have never been sorry.
He said to me that day, "read my word and start in Matthew." I immediately went into the living room where my mother and my stepdad were sitting and told them about my experience. Then I went to my bedroom, found my Bible (which I had never read) and started reading in Matthew. I wasn't working at the time and I'm sure I read through the entire New Testament that week. By Wednesday the Lord had delivered me from smoking, and on Friday I was baptized in Jesus name. I also remember getting a phone call from my friend inviting me to go to the motorcycle races again with him. I told him that I would not be going to the motorcycle races as a I had given my heart to the Lord that week. He was dumbfounded as he thought (so he told me) that I was the last person who would ever get religion. I have prayed for him and his family often.
My friend, if you have never met the Lord as I have, let me encourage you to repent of your sins, turn your life to the living God, find someone to baptize you in the saving name of Jesus and let God fill you with His Holy Spirit the way God did in the Bible. (See Acts 2:1-4 and Acts 2:38 as well as Acts 4:12) You too will never be sorry.
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