All scripture references, unless otherwise noted, are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
I fully believe that the Lord Jesus will come back! I believe this implicitly! I also believe that the Lord Jesus is not only the healer but that He heals all of our diseases. I believe that if we ask in faith, believing, not having any doubt in our hearts that He can and will move mountains. The reason I believe these things and others also is that Jesus said in His Word that if we would believe Him implicitly these things would be done! Someone might say that the Lord was speaking of the healing of the soul, or mountains of fear and doubt, etc. But I believe in physical healing and in physically moving mountains. Recently God gave me reason to have such faith. A brother called me this past Saturday and said a man in their church had contracted Covid-19. We prayed, believing God. The brother called back on Sunday and with such Joy told me that he was up and walking around. The day before he had been in a coma and not expected to live. God does hear and answer prayer. But we must believe Him implicitly.
The Bible says in Isaiah 53:5, "...and with his stripes we are healed." And in 1st Peter 2:24, " whose stripes ye were healed." As our pastor recently said, it's a done deal. But you and I must believe the Lord Jesus implicitly without any doubt in our hearts. I have heard for many years that what the Lord Jesus was talking about when the disciples were astonished at the drying up of the fig tree was mountains of fear and of doubt. In Mark's gospel Mark has Him saying, "...and shall not doubt in his heart..." that whatever the disciples were to ask it would be done. (See Mark 11:23) But I have become more and more convinced in recent years that He meant exactly what He said. If we will believe without any doubt God will hear and do exactly as He said. I am made to think of an incident I read of many years ago, It was one of our missionaries to Liberia, I forget who, maybe Elsie Lund. She had been teaching on the verses above. Some of her school children ask if the Lord would move the mountain outside their classroom as He said. The missionary didn't quite know how to respond so she said to the children if they would ask with the proviso that if it was God's will it would be done. They prayed and lo and behold in a couple of weeks dump trucks started to arrive and they took the mountain away. It was a mountain of bauxite ore from which aluminum was made.
Are you ready for the Lord Jesus to come back? I don't know when but I believe it is soon. Maybe sooner that we ever imagined. I used to think that it would be in my lifetime. Then as I grew older (I am now 78) I began to wonder! The Bible says in 2nd Peter 3:3-4, "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." I never want to be a scoffer of the promise of Jesus return. I still think that maybe, just maybe the Lord will return in my lifetime. Are you sitting on the edge of your seat awaiting the return of the Lord Jesus? It maybe sooner than we imagined,
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