Friday, August 28, 2020

"...Savage Wolves..."

All scripture references, unless otherwise noted, are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible. The Hebrew and Greek meaning of the words mentioned are from Strong's Hebrew Greek Dictionary.
The NKJV of the Bible uses the terminology "...savage..." in Acts 20:29.  In the OKJV the Bible uses the terminology "...grievous..." The exact quote from the King James Version is, "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock." I think the NKJV expresses the thought better in this case. We like to think of the early church when we quote that scripture but perhaps it still applies today. I have said before that the doctrine of the Trinity was formulated by carnal men to satisfy the needs of the Roman Emperor Constantine. I still believe it is true. I like the King James Version of the Bible because that's what I cut my spiritual teeth on when I turned to God in 1965. Plus the other versions of the Bible which I was aware of in 1965 were spoken against as not being true to the "original" manuscripts. I don't even think I knew that the King James Version of the Bible was translated from (probably) copies of copies of copies, ad infinitum.

Don't get me wrong I still love and use (almost exclusively) the King James version of the Bible. I have never found it hard to read or understand. The Strong's Greek dictionary in Acts 20:29 has, "barus bar-ooce' From the same as G922; weighty, that is, (figuratively) burdensome, grave: - grievous, heavy, weightier." So savage isn't in Strong's Greek Dictionary here. Thus it would seem that the KJV is more correct. However that may be the focus of this post is savage wolves. There can be little doubt the Apostle Paul was prophesying of a day yet to come when he said those words to the elders of the Ephesian church.

I believe that Jesus is the living God therefore I believe that His Word is the living Word. (See John 1:1 and 14) When He first saved me the first thing He said to me after I had said to Him, "Lord Jesus if you will help me I will serve You from this day to the day I die," was "Read My word and start in Matthew." I still believe His word and am still reading the word of God in obedience to His command. (There for a short time in the early 1980's I sluffed off but by-enlarge I have read His word since that day) Having said all the foregoing I still believe His word to be the guide that I need to make heaven my home one day. Thus I still believe the prophesy of the Apostle Paul is for me today, (not just the Ephesian elders). So while I believe implicitly the Lord Jesus, I believe His word equally.

Beware of who you believe! It is not my intention to cause any doubt in your heart. But God has given everything in His word to you and I that we need to be saved . In 2nd Peter 1:3-4  we are told, "According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." As long as any minister gives to us the unadulterated word of God, we need not fear. But the minute they start to preach a different gospel than that which we have received from the Word of God, Apostle Paul said Galatians 1:8-9, "...let him be accursed." God, the Righteous Judge, will deal with them at the appropriate time.

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